- Sexual harassment
Raising awareness of what sexual harassment is, how to respond to it, how to report to school, bystander intervention and where to get help.
- Healthy relationships
Understanding what makes a relationship healthy, identifying unhealthy and abusive behaviour, our relationship with ourselves, where to get help and support, looking out for our friends.
- Bullying
Difference between rude, mean and bullying, how to respond to bullying, where to get help, how to help others, the power of kindness, understanding difference.
- Impact of pornography
Exploring the messages given by porn and its impact on individuals, relationships and wider society, understanding that it doesn’t portray real life situations and how real people relate to each other, where to get good quality health and relationships information and advice.
- Gender equality
Exploring how gendered expectations affect us all, looking at clothes, toys and the world of work to see the impact of gender inequality.
- Mental health and well-being
Empowerment programmes, mindfulness, resilience, relaxation, self-regulation and managing emotions.
- Personal safety
Reducing risks, street safety, self defence techniques.
- Sex and relationships
Emotional aspects of healthy sex lives and relationships, importance of pleasure, peer pressure, where to get good quality information and help and advice.
- Consent
What it means, how to get it, how to give it, why it matters.
- Active Bystander
Exploring the issues around being a bystander and sharing practical options to intervene safely when we witness harassment or hate crime. Train the trainer option also available.
2 hours for up to 20 participants.
We can provide tailor-made programmes that complement your PHSE curriculum and addresses issues facing your students. These can be delivered as stand-alone sessions, or developed into a more in-depth programme or a whole-school approach which could include surveys, peer education, social action and campaigns etc.
With the exception of self defence content, these can be delivered directly to children or as staff training.