Our Approach

Our mission - Freedom Personal Safety

Our Mission

Empowering individuals

Creating tailor-made training programmes and workshops to empower individuals by developing the skills, knowledge and confidence to keep themselves and others safe physically and emotionally.

Our Vision

We believe that everyone has the right to be safe and should live their lives free from abuse, violence and harassment.

Customer focused

We will work with you to identify your needs, then create a tailored programme delivered by Julie, our specialist trainer. We will gather feedback on all of the programmes we run and share this with you. We will work in partnership with you at all stages.


We know the impact of violence, abuse and harassment, and are passionate about empowering people to feel safe. We will work with you to deliver our bespoke training to individuals, groups and communities, so they feel safe and free to live their lives safely.


We created Freedom Personal Safety as a community interest company because our focus was, and still is, about making a difference to people, helping them feel safer, developing new skills and knowledge and having the freedom to live their lives without violence, abuse or harassment.


We use our skills, knowledge and experience to create and deliver high-quality programmes and training. We are trained personal safety instructors and have over 15 years experience working with children, young people, women and those who have experienced violence or abuse. We are constantly reviewing our programmes to keep them current, based on best practice and relevant.
